

In last ARW class, we get CWT.
Actually, I thought I didn't get CWT in Friday from day before that day.
So I was paniced to know we get CWT tomorrow.
The result of CWT is so-so, but I remember to get any exam are very stimulating as I didn't get so many test before that.


What we learned

In last ARW class, we read "fallacies".
such as "beginning question", "red herring", "band wagon",etc.
All of these are very interesting as I sometime see these fallacies anywhere.
I think I should find these fallacies when I read any texts or listen to any ideas with critical thinking.


What I learned

In Monday's ARW class, I read the essay about the death penalty in America.
With reading that essay, I learned a lot of things such as how to use citation.
That seems to be very difficult, because though that essay seems to be very good for me, that have some problems.
After taking that lecture, I think I should use citation more correctly and have to write my essay more logically.


What I Iearned at the previous ARW class

Last wednesday, in ARW class, I marked other person's CWT test.
I think marking someone's test is very useful for ourselves because it is educational for not only whom it took but also whom marks it.
Marking the test paper is very difficult process and we can sometimes know a new idea from it.


We are all monkeys

Actually, before watching this movie, I don't know the campaign, "we are all monkeys!!".
This campaign are started by Daniel Alves, who are very famous soccer player and this campaign protest racial discrimination.
I can imagine why many many people do this campaign.
Racial discrimination are existing though this is illegal.
I think we should send message by using the Inter Net like this campaign.
This is very effective.


I'll never do

Last year, I went to the Universal studio Japan, amusement park on Osaka.
Actually, I hate high place.
So I have never ride roller coaster as I think it must scary.
However, my friend said "It is very fun!! You are MOTTAINAI not to ride roller coaster."
I decided to ride it.
After ridding, I deeply regret to ride.
It was seriously scary.
My blood was floating in the air...

So I decided I will never ride roller coaster or never fall from high place.



Netiquette is the word which means manners on the Inter Net.
On the Inter Net, people cannot see others' face and tend to be very impolite.
So we should be more careful not to hurt others by words.
Today, I feel that netiquette are sometimes forgotten.
I many times see very bad words hurting others on the Inter Net.
This is bad thing.
I think we should  behave politely and not forget netiquette.


Gogatsu Byo

People, especially who started new  life, tend to get Gogatsu Byo.
Gogatsu Byo's mean is "melancholy especially caused in May".
In April, we are very energetic and excited by new life.
However, after entering May, we tend to feel a little tired and tend to be lazy.
I think this is unavoidable situation.
So, what should we do for this?
In ICU, there are many interesting events like "Retreat","c-week",etc in May.
Also, Gogatsu Byo is a bad side effect of to get used to new environment.
Getting used to new environment enable us to do many things staidly.
So I think we should think getting used to a new life chance and should be looking forward to next events.


China's massive pollution problem

Today, China has a very serious problem of pollution.
Especially, air pollution, like a "pm2.5" problem is very serious.
Air pollution is today not Chinese domestic problem but international problem because pollutant are brought by wind and spread for any other near countries like Japan.
Then, why this problem becomes so seriously?
The reason is caused by Chinese government's policy to improve industry and position to make light of environment and citizen.
So I think this is not simple problem.
Nevertheless, now, many Chinese people are suffer from this problem, and this is not unrelated problem of us.
I think we should not ignore think problem and Japan should cooperate with China for this problem  to solve it.


Democracy is the best form of government...?

Today, almost all country's government governs the country by democratic decision.
They decide and do what majority want to do.
Is democracy the best form of the government?
I think democracy is the most stable form of the government,but I don't think democracy is the perfect form of the government.
It is true that dictatorship countries is many times govern bad politics like many communist countries or absolutism countries.
But dictatorship countries have superiority than democratic countries.
Democratic countries are too late to govern.
And they tend to neglect minority.
On the other hand, on dictatorship countries,government do what their leader decide at once and if the leader is the able person, the country go well very much.
Of course, dictatorship countries have many and many drawbacks.
However, it is true that democratic countries have many drawbacks.
In fact,many middle east countries are confused though they introduce democracy in stead of dictatorship.
So I think democracy is very great form of government what human invent, But this is perfect.


Better late than never

Better late than never
This proverb means that if you do later,it is better than not to do.
I think the message that this proverb says is very important.
We tend to give up before we do.
I think if you can't go well,you should try doing once.
If you give up before do,I certain  you will regret not to do.


What is the perfect dog?

What is the perfect dog? Here's my stab at it.
・He obeys his master.
・He learn and don't do what he once misstook.
・He don't bow too noisy voice.
・He likes playing with people.
・He don't hesitate to wash his body.
・He don't fight against other  dogs.